Premier should stand with Manitobans to oppose a carbon tax

Author: 2017/10/27

REGINA, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on the Manitoba government to withdraw its carbon tax proposal and stand with Manitobans by opposing the federal carbon tax. (Photo Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister Credit: Andrew Scheer/Flickr/Wikipedia)

“Premier Brian Pallister says Ottawa is forcing him to impose a carbon tax, but he’s done nothing to fight the federal policy,” said Todd MacKay, the CTF’s Prairie Director. “A majority of Manitobans oppose a carbon tax and their provincial government should be standing with them instead of pre-emptively acquiescing to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”

The Manitoba government’s online consultation showed 59 per cent of the comments oppose a carbon tax.

Premier Pallister is imposing a $25 per tonne carbon tax (about 5 cents per litre of gasoline). Premier Pallister’s carbon tax is more than double the initial $10 per tonne carbon tax the federal government is planning to impose next year. While Premier Pallister hopes stop the federal government from increasing the carbon tax to $50 per tonne over the next five years, independent legal advice provided to the provincial government by legal expert Bryan Schwartz characterized that strategy as “untested.”

Premier Pallister promised a referendum on “any proposed major tax increases” taxes during the last provincial election. The federal government has yet to introduce any carbon tax legislation and has reversed itself on other major policy files such as electoral reform and proposed business tax changes. Others, such as Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, are actively opposing a carbon tax.

“Premier Pallister promised a referendum on ‘any proposed major tax increases’ and a carbon tax is certainly a major tax,” said MacKay. “Does Premier Pallister really think Prime Minister Trudeau wouldn’t even consider the will of the people if a clear majority of Manitobans voted against a carbon tax in a referendum? Why not give Manitobans the change to send their governments that message?”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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